Re: Unkown entities

From: "Denis Queffeulou" <>

> the HTML source contains entities like &#146; that refer to a Windows char
> set and when a get the string from the DOM that Tidy build, I get a ?
> instead of the character.

> In fact I understand that Tidy does not retreive the good char, but in this
> case  it should not replace it by ? (which cannot be interpreted later).
> So is there a configuration that tells Tidy not to replace undefined
> entities by ?

Is it a literal ? that is being inserted?  I know that with the fonts I
use for display, those non-standard characters display as ? .  Just curious
whether you've checked this aspect of things.

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Larry W. Virden <> <URL:>
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Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2000 08:24:28 UTC