Re: Tidy of Script contents desc += "</td></table>";

At 09:21 05.09.2000 +0100, Rzepa, Henry wrote:
>Does anyone know of any  tools that can even begin to look
>at the above problems of handling  JavaScripts?  Likewise, are
>there any tools for validating  the stylesheet components?

I'd be very interested in a "JavaScript Tidy" myself...

Regarding StyleSheets, there is the W3C CSS Validator 
[] (especially useful is the text area 
version) and BradBury's TopStyle [], a 
commercial StyleSheet editor that allows validation of your stylesheets 
against various style definitions and also does perform pretty-printing for 

Does anybody know whether a comparable tool exists for JavaScript?

Sebastian Lange
Maybe the first chat site that validates as HTML
4.0 even though user input may contain HTML codes.

Courtesy to Dave Raggett's HTML Tidy:

Tidy your documents ONLINE:

Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2000 06:28:47 UTC