Re: Tidy putting spurious "/" into tags


>I have mentioned this before, it would be a very nice addition if tidy would allow to suppress "illegal" attributes.

This seems a  very important point. Some  "deprecated" (lets not call the
illegal) attributes can be hived off into stylesheets.  But, as I posted
earlier,  I would like to raise the issue of whether Tidy should or should not
"transform" deprecated attributes, or indeed elements themselves,
into "recommended" forms.

For me at least, the most important of these is <embed> and <applet>,
both of which appear to require transformation to <object>  (or possibly the
little used or implemented <iframe> ). Once in XML of course, XSLT
can be used to achieve further transformations.

so, should one in general <<suppress>> or <<transform>>  "illegal" attributes, elements
and the like?

Henry Rzepa. +44 (0)20 7594 5774 (Office) +44 (0)20 7594 5804 (Fax)
Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7  2AY, UK.

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2000 05:06:14 UTC