Re: FreeBSD is NOT Linux ?!

Christopher R. Maden
Gerald Oskoboiny

I stand corrected.  You are both right.

In my original e-mail (a question), I meant and should have said 'a Unix
like open-source operating system', rather than just stating Linux.  The
added information by Chris, that 'FreeBSD was not the same as Linux',
although correct, had little or nothing to do with the original topic.  I
over reacted in a general way to a technical reference about a comparison of
specific labels, that I was over looking.  I was seeing only the 'Tidy for a
Unix like open-source operating system' topic with 'BSD and Linux' for my

My question was rushed and not well thought out, between long hours (14:xx
PST) and I apologias.

	James Harnett, (503) 282-8698
	P.O. Box 12150
	Portland, Oregon 97212-0150
    For technical information on viruses, worms and Trojan horses:
	Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
	(CERTŪ Coordination Center, DARPA, U.S. DOD)

Received on Friday, 26 November 1999 18:27:18 UTC