Re: FreeBSD is NOT Linux ?!

On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 02:35:19AM -0500, James Harnett wrote:
> >[ Christopher R. Maden: ]
> >> FreeBSD is not Linux and vice versa.  See
> >> <URL:> for more info on FreeBSD.
> [ Scott Kenney: ]
> >And since I'm the tidy maintainer for FreeBSD, I'd be interested in
> >where this information is from.
> Thank you Scott,
> Let's carry this a little further.
> Who's misconceived notion was it to stat such the false rumor, that FreeBSD
> is not Linux?  There is a problem in making such a statement.  I can only
> surmise that the writer is young, inexperienced, short on education, a
> jokester, can not comprehend what they read, and / or works for microsoft.
> That statement needs to be supported, assuming that it can, by the person
> making the statement.  I for one want verification of the validity.  Until
> then, I will assume that this person is one of the above and nothing more.

Sorry, but you are mistaken.

> I encourage the use of Linux and recognizes that other Unix-compatible
>  operating systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, Redhat, SuSE, Caldera, etc..   
> all deserve attention and recognition.  The only major significant
> difference in these flavors of "Linux", is the extra set of tools,
> utilities, 3rd party software, and packaging wrapper.  The basic operating
> system "kernel" is the same.  It is Linux.

FreeBSD and NetBSD are completely different Unixes, not
distributions of Linux like Redhat, SuSE, Caldera, etc.
There's also OpenBSD ( )

This (biased) article talks a bit about them and their differences:,6061,2299366-2,00.html

Gerald Oskoboiny       <>  +1 617 253 2920
System Administrator
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 26 November 1999 05:03:29 UTC