Doctype declarations on XML produced in zips


Does anyone have hints on how to get a DOCTYPE declaration (or other
things indicated using serialization parameters) on XML files
generated dynamically in an XProc pipeline and packed directly into a
zip file?

I have a pxp:zip step whose 'source' port is bound to the secondary
output of an XSLT step, which writes a file using xsl:result-document.
It appears to work -- my generated file is in the zip.

However, the serialization parameters on my xsl:result-document
instruction do not have any effect, nor can I see where else I can
apply them. I've even pulled the generation of the resource into a
subpipeline but serialization settings on output ports there have no
effect either.

As always grateful for any pointers, or even "this can't be done
[without writing files to the system first]" -- I'm using Calabash


Wendell Piez |
XML | XSLT | electronic publishing
Eat Your Vegetables

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 16:29:58 UTC