xproc-dev@w3.org from February 2012 by thread

XSLT-like command line parameter passing Dr. Yves Forkl (Friday, 24 February)

Calabash return code to the environment Florent Georges (Thursday, 23 February)

Schematron with relative paths for document functions Robert Stuart (Tuesday, 21 February)

XProc.org update Florent Georges (Saturday, 18 February)

Passing JAXP Source objects to Calabash? Florent Georges (Friday, 17 February)

A case of superfluous type checking for parameters (p:with-param and xsl:param) ? Manfred Staudinger (Thursday, 16 February)

Generating XProc/XSL with XProc/XSL Tony R. (Wednesday, 15 February)

RE: p:pipeline should make a closure over in-scope variables Geert Josten (Monday, 13 February)

Last message date: Monday, 27 February 2012 07:33:49 UTC