Re: Baffling error with http-request

Hi Tony,

Personally I'm not using oXygen's built-in catalog facility... I guess  
you would have better luck asking on oXygen's support forum.


Le 1 déc. 10 à 21:52, Tony Rogers a écrit :

> Hello Romain & Others,
> So, according to the thread you linked (quoted below), Oxygen should  
> not be giving me the error that I am getting.  It says it should  
> pass its catalogs to Calabash automatically.
> However, the default catalog options appear to be fine.  I was still  
> getting the error so I started explicitly adding every XHTML 1.1  
> catalog.  I did this both for the Document Type Associations  
> settings and the general XML Catalog settings.  I’m still getting  
> the same old annoying error:
> “SystemID: /Users/amrogers/Developer/Projects/oXygen_workspace/ 
> edu.umd/terpconnect/model/documents/201008/INFM298I/Final Project/ 
> xproc.xpl
> Engine name: Calabash XProc
> Severity: error
> Description: net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException:  
> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: 404 Not Found for: 
>  404 Not Found for: 
> ”
> I don’t know what else to do.  This is just a simple HTTP request  
> but everything in my pipeline (and this class project) depends on  
> it.  And the fact that it mentions a SaxonApiException does not  
> comfort me at all either…
> —Tony
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Romain Deltour wrote:
>> See this thread for how to use an XML catalog with Calabash (also  
>> when used with oXygen):
>> BR,
>> Romain.
>> Le 29 nov. 10 à 16:43, Inigo Surguy a écrit :
>>> Look at the source of - it has a
>>> reference to at the top
>>> in its doctype:
>>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
>>> "">
>>> That file, in turn, references xhtml-datatypes-1.mod.
>>> Calabash (or rather, the underlying XML parser) is trying to load  
>>> the
>>> doctype to see if there's anything relevant to the XML within it.
>>> Vojtech is right - you should use an XML catalog so a local  
>>> version of
>>> the doctype is used. I'm afraid I don't know offhand how to set that
>>> up with Calabash, but I hope I've made it a bit clearer why it's  
>>> going
>>> wrong at least.
>>> Cheers
>>> Inigo
>>> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Tony Rogers <> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 29, 2010, at 12:25 AM, Andrew Welch wrote:
>>>> There's nothing at the end of the url.....  Try getting that file  
>>>> yourself.
>>>> No, that's just it…I requested no files from anywhere in  
>>>> my pipeline.
>>>> I have no idea why that URL is popping up in the error.

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 12:22:04 UTC