Re: Calabash: Java API

2009/7/23 David A. Lee wrote:

> This also aids in integrating if documents specified *within
> the pipeline* are relative, and presumably they are relative to
> the pipeline, not the CWD.  That lets you treat both input (to
> the pipeline) and embedded documents the same way.

  But they are not the same thing.  If I follow your rationale,
if I open a shell and execute the following command:

    > calumet http://example/xproc/pipe.xproc -i source=./data.xml

then you expect Calumet to evaluate pipe.xproc against the
document http://example/xproc/data.xml, and not against the
content of the local file data.xml (in the current dir.)

  That sounds weird to me.

> Now if you want the opposite behavior, explicitly either doing
> the path resolution yourself, or setting the System ID on
> either the Pipeline or the documents should take precedence.

  But that's the whole point: when you identify a Source by a
system ID, how should it be resolve when it is relative? ;-)


Florent Georges

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 14:01:21 UTC