Re: Calabash: Java API

2009/7/23 ? wrote:

> [...] <better summary of my mind than I could write myself ;-)>

> On the other hand, if your pipeline is at
> http://foo/pipelines/pipeline.xpl and you pass
> "../data/doc.xml" as the source URI, the engine will
> automatically load it from http://foo/data/doc.xml

> I am still trying to understand what should be the preferred
> behavior. I can see value in both...

  I would say the above description is not correct neither, for
the same reason (well, for a proper definition of "wrong.")  If I
see Source("../data/doc.xml") in my Java code, I would expect the
input to be read from my filesystem, not from an HTTP server...

  Of course, if the pipeline definition itself contains such a
URI, that's another story...


Florent Georges

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 13:35:46 UTC