Re: Is it legitim to compare 2 dateTime without timezones?

Hello Eric,

As far as I remember, the idea is that you can compare the two
dateTimes without timezones, as defined in the spec, but that
you would only do that when you know from your specific application
that it actually makes sense.

Regards,  Martin.

At 10:00 01/10/27 +0200, Eric van der Vlist wrote:
>I feel uneasy about the comparison of two xs:dateTime (or xs:date) values 
>when none of them have a timezone.
>Doing so, we acknowledge that the timezone -which is undetermined when not 
>specified- is identical all over an instance document and (still more 
>controversial IMO) between the schemas and the instance documents.
>It's kind of implying the notion of a "user's timezone" which I haven't 
>found explicitely described in the recommendation and which we can specify 
>neither in a schema nor in an instance document.
>Wouldn't be safer to recognize that, like it is the case when a datetime 
>with timezone is compared to a datetime without timezone, there is only a 
>partial order when two datetimes without timezones are compared?
>Rendez-vous $B_(BParis pour le Forum XML.
>Eric van der Vlist  

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2001 22:49:44 UTC