Issue 504 is closed

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, A. Vine wrote:

[issue 504 covers the "Basic edits" section of your email.]

Everything has been corrected in the latest editor's draft [1]. It was not 
possible to locate everything as you commented on a version that is not 
the CR version [2].
Can you verify the latest editor's copy [1]?


> Below are some basic edits:
> 2.1 Introduction
> ----------------
> occurences => occurrences (2 places)
> several representation => several representations
> 2.2.1 rep:Representation element
> --------------------------------
> "One or more attribute information items amongst its [attributes]
> property as follows:"
> =>
> "One or more attribute information items amongst its [attributes]
> properties as follows:"
> (not clear as written, is it an "attributes property"?  If so, it can't
> be "amongst" a single thing.  Same comment for section 2.2.4)
> "One or more element information items in its [children] property in
> order as follows:"
> =>
> "One or more element information items in its [children] properties in
> order as follows:"
> (not clear as written, is it a "children property"?)
> "with a [namespace name] different than"
> =>
> "with a [namespace name] different from"
> 2.2.4 rep:Data element
> ----------------------
> (Same comments as in 2.2.1)
> 2.3 Extensibility of the Representation header block
> ----------------------------------------------------
> "several possible usage" => "several possible usages"
> 2.3.3 HTTP headers
> ------------------
> "... all SOAP senders understand HTTP caching mechanism"
>                                ^the
> Regards,
> Andrea Vine
> W3C I18n WSTF

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Friday, 17 September 2004 12:40:05 UTC