Question regarding uniqueness of soap Fault in body

In the SOAP 1.2 working draft:

section 5.4: SOAP Fault,

it states:

"To be recognized as carrying SOAP error information,
a SOAP message MUST contain a single SOAP Fault
element information item as the only child of the SOAP
Body .

When generating a fault, SOAP senders MUST NOT include
additional element information items in the SOAP Body
. A message whose Body contains a Fault plus
additional element information items has no
SOAP-defined semantics."

A dilemna I am facing is that a response message I
generate from an application is streamed, and an error
may occur some time after I start streaming the
response.  Because of resource restrictions on the
server platform, I cannot know before I start
streaming whether or not an error will occur.  My
understanding of SOAP 1.1 is that I can add a Fault
element in the output after previous elements have
already been streamed (provided, of course, I make it
a direct child of the Body element).  In SOAP 1.2,
this is not possible, and I am left indicating the
error in some other fashion.

I looked in the archives (only recently joined this
group...) and could not find a reason for why this
restriction was added.  May I suggest the board
reconsider whether the Fault element must be unique
in 1.2?

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Received on Tuesday, 15 October 2002 16:30:23 UTC