[DR119] Binary data

Current wording of DR119...
Direct Handling of Binary Data: XML Namespaces provide a flexible and 
lightweight mechanism for handling language mixing as long as those 
languages are expressed in XML. In contrast, there is only very 
rudimentary support (base-64 encodings etc.) for including data languages 
expressed in binary formats. Such formats include commonly used image 
formats like PNG, JPEG etc. Although it is inconceivable to imagine a Web 
without such data formats, it is not considered a priority of this 
Working Group to solve this problem. This is in part because other 
organizations (e.g. ebXML and RosettaNet) are already addressing the 
issue using an approach based on MIME multipart. The Working Group can 
consider solutions proposed by other groups as a matter of low priority, 
if there is sufficient interest. 
This text is taken directly from the charter. In other portions of the XP 
requirements document, charter language is not used for a numbered 
requirement. Instead, the text is italicized and placed at the beginning 
of the relevant section. I propose we do the same for DR119, thereby 
removing it as an explicit, numbered requirement.

Received on Monday, 4 December 2000 09:03:03 UTC