FW: AGAIN: New draft of Z39.50 Bib-2 Attribute Set now available


Mike is right.  To retrieve works "about" Victor Davies, the composer, the
access point would be Subject, not Name.  

Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (819) 994-6969  Fax:  (819) 994-6835
E-mail:  barbara.shuh@nlc-bnc.ca

-----Original Message-----
From: Ashley Sanders [mailto:zzaascs@irwell.mimas.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 7:35 AM
To: zig
Subject: Re: AGAIN: New draft of Z39.50 Bib-2 Attribute Set now

Barbara Shuh wrote:

>       http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/z3950/bib-2_draft7.pdf

Just been looking through the above and I hope you can
clarify a point for me. On page 15 it says:

  To search for a composition composed by Victor Davies
      Access point [Cross Domain Set] = Name
      Comparison [Utility Set] = Equals
      Format/Structure = inverted order name
      Functional Qualifier = cmp
      Semantic Qualifier = personal
      Term = Davies, Victor

The Cross Domain attribute set says of Name: "A person or
organization associated with the resource." And
http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/relators/relators.html says
that "cmp" means Composer. So to my mind the above set of
attributes in a search request should also retrieve
works about Victor Davies the composer. Am I wrong?



Ashley Sanders                                a.sanders@mcc.ac.uk
COPAC: A public bibliographic database from MIMAS, funded by JISC
             http://copac.ac.uk/ - copac@mimas.ac.uk

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 08:13:22 UTC