Antwort: Defining Column Width in XSL-FO

On 29.10.2003 13:05:24 www-xsl-fo-request wrote:
>Please, find the attached documents in XML and XSL formats.
>Well, I have tried to manage the number of columns in a table.
>Now my requirement is to manage the column widths too. Is it possible?
>I have one idea, I am planning to include the column-width size as a the
>tag attribute value.
>But, I don't have idea about how to access and assign that attribute 
>to define the column width.


you can assign attributes in a way like this:

        <xsl:attribute name="column-width">
                        <xsl:value-of select="????? your value ???" />

Hope this helps. Regards / Olaf

Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2003 07:26:14 UTC