Re: Robots PI (non-normative)?

  It was suggested we provide an explanation how a functionality
like the robot PI you sugested to add could be implemented with
the existing XLink framework.

  Since XLink doesn't impose to limit the attributes on a link
to a predefined set, this can be done by using specific attributes
coming from an external namespace:

the robot namespace could be anchored into infoseek Web space
or anybody else who could standardize such name:

for fine grained control, one statement per link (or arc):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<headlines xmlns:robot="">
<title>Technology Headlines</title>
<storytitle robot:index="no" robot:follow="yes"
      xlink:href="tech/xml_number_1.xml">XML Wins Again!</storytitle>

for coarse grained control, one statement onto an ancestor:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<headlines xmlns:robot=""
	   robot:index="no" robot:follow="yes">
<title>Technology Headlines</title>
<storytitle xlink:href="tech/xml_number_1.xml">XML Wins Again!</storytitle>

  Another option is to use a specific role or arcrole value indicating
the expected use by the robots, but that's more intrusive:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Technology Headlines</title>
<storytitle xlink:arcrole=""
      xlink:href="tech/xml_number_1.xml">XML Wins Again!</storytitle>

  Last but not least, the PI robot draft could be submitted as a NOTE
by some of the Members companies. This was actually what the XML Linking WG
suggested, and would have allowed to cover XML cases where the Xlink
specification is not used, but so far it seems this has not been submitted.


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Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2000 05:39:15 UTC