Re: XKMS 2.0 base working draft

Ok. As as result of this thread are we then ok with the
requirements document containing words to the effect of:

1 XKMS specifications will define how XKMS messages and
  transactions can be secured
2 message and transaction security will be based ("directly") 
  on xkmdsig and xmlenc
3 XKMS specifications will define how transport layer 
  security can be used to protect connections over
  which XKMS messages/transactions are transported
4 Each specification will define which of the above
  security mechanisms are mandatory-to-implement, optional
5 Unless there is a particular reason, all specifications
  will make the same set of choices for 4 above

(And don't beat me up about the words, beat up Mike and
Frederick when they include some words:-)


Rich Salz wrote:
> > I guess I would tend towards the more self-contained approach - something
> > like specifying use of xmldsig and xmlenc "directly" for xkms where
> > we need message level protection (and perhaps tls/ssl where we don't).
> +1.  SOAP Security is likely to be transport level security. :)
> --
> Zolera Systems, Securing web services (XML, SOAP, Signatures,
> Encryption)

Stephen Farrell         				   
Baltimore Technologies,   tel: (direct line) +353 1 881 6716
39 Parkgate Street,                     fax: +353 1 881 7000
Dublin 8.      

Received on Thursday, 22 November 2001 05:51:37 UTC