Re: SOAP services as database query interfaces / SOAP design patterns?

Oops, sorry Dan, I forgot about this thread ...

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 03:12:55PM -0500, Dan Brickley wrote:
> > Ok, but how do you want to use cataloguing in that example?
> I would like a way of saying, using XML/RDF/URIs etc., that there exists a
> service which can be consulted by passing it [such-and-so] arguments and
> whose responses are (something like -- semi-invented example) a list of
> descriptions of things of type mb:AlbumTrack, where the track descriptions
> provide the tracknumber, trackname, tracklength and trackid properties for
> each track in the album, where the album's [something or other] property
> matches the appropriate argument we passed to the web service.

I've been thinking a lot about "machine processable forms" recently, and
I think what you're describing there is a GET form.  FWIW, RestRDF[1]
was an attempt at describing machine processable POST forms (via a
Container abstraction) as a declaration of a willingness to accept
representations as subordinates.  I took a brief stab at GET forms, but
didn't need them for my work, so didn't finish.

A GET form declares the existence of a mapping between a {URI,
representation} tuple, and a new URI.  The resource that the URI
identifies should be declared to be "Indexable" or
"Parameterizable"(?! 8-) or something, ala;

  :myResource a :IndexableResource .

Which is basically the same thing as this;

<html:form method="GET" action="myResource" > ...

The work is in declaring how you map from a representation (which could
be quite complex) to a new URI with a query term (assuming that's the
mapping we want, which I think it is because of the deployed libraries
that can easily work with query params).  I know this work has been
attempted before, but not, AFAIK, in this context.

>  I'd like
> to know whether ordering is significant in the XML response, and a few
> other things useful for information retrieval apps (eg. whether query
> expansions of any kind were performed).

If you think it would be useful to proceed with what I describe above,
then it would be really helpful if you could itemize those things you
feel are important.

I personally feel that order should not be important since many library
APIs don't expose query parameter ordering; the query term is normally
exposed as something like a dictionary.  This will impact the design
of the URI encoding, of course.

> A lot of lookup services have a similar pattern. You match some subset
> from a collection of descriptions, and get back a list of hits, with
> certain characteristics of each item provided.

Understood.  I think the form based framework I described above is
capable of describing any of these services.  The specifics of the
design will determine how general it is in practice.


Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

   Will distribute objects for food

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2002 15:44:56 UTC