Re: Version attribute for WSDL

On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 10:48:18AM -0800, Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> David's point about not actually munging the namespace URI is important
> - the actual namespace URI may not be under the control of the author of
> the WSDL.

Whoa, I didn't realize that's what we were discussing.  So you're saying
that if I define a namespace;

and others want to create a revision of that, that they're
going to mint URIs like this;

If so, yuck, get your hands off my URIs[1]! 8-) That seems to be exactly
what you're trying not to do when you wrote this (which I agree with

> We don't want to introduce a spec that forces
> namespace URIs to be constructed in a way that violates the conventions
> a domain owner may have in effect.

If you want to do this in a more Web-friendly manner, I'd suggest
treating the URIs as opaque and using the information returned from
invoking GET on a URI to declare what other namespace it might be a
revision of.  For example, if this were a revision URI;

then a GET might return some RDF/RDDL with some embedded RDF which says;

<Namespace rdf:about="">
  <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource=""/>

I *think* rdfs:subClassOf is the semantics you want, but if not, just
define your own property, e.g. wsdl:revisionOf, or some such.



Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 15:07:40 UTC