Issue: should WSDL be able to describe an operation with *anything* in the message?

Hi all,

I stumbled upon a scenario the other day where I'd like to be able to
describe an endpoint with a single logical operation ("accept" or
"notify" or something) that can accept any SOAP message. Somebody wanted
a WSDL for this endpoint and I found out that WSDL 1.1 with a single
message part of the type xs:anyType is not supported in doc/lit, and in
fact in 
WSDL 2 such a thing cannot be accomplished at all because every message
has exactly one XML element and the SOAP binding puts precisely that
element as a child of soap:Body.

Should WSDL be able to describe such an endpoint? I think so because it
is common in various message sink situations - a router, a topic,
generic notification sink etc.

I can see a simple solution that would state that if a GED is not
specified for a message, it can be everything. There are other
alternative solutions, but this seems the simplest and least bad.

Sorry about bringing this up so late,

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Systinet Corporation

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 09:51:30 UTC