Re: What does WSDL describe? wrote:

>Mark Baker wrote: 
>>And when you combine that with the issue Umit is talking about, it's even more ambiguous, as it could mean something else entirely because the operation may not be in the message. i.e. it could mean the same as "add(12345)", though only "12345" is on the wire.  Yikes!
>Double Yikes if the word 'add' is lost on the wire, but ..

Yes it is lost mate. Just use the rpc style, you will get "add" on the 
wire. :-)

>I think WSDL should remain flexible enough for me to be able to take the existing message exchange '<add>12345</add>' and present that as an operation called 'incrementTotalCallSeconds' without impacting the actual messages exchanged.

Please note everybody that with the changes we are making, we are not 
allowing anything but an element to appear in the body. So "12345" is 
not going to be your message.

The current spec does not allow completely empty messages either, empty 
elements but not empty soap body, etc.


Umit Yalcinalp                                  
Consulting Member of Technical Staff
Phone: +1 650 607 6154                          

Received on Friday, 24 October 2003 18:18:07 UTC