[RTF] Behavior definition of Services - public discussion

Hi all,

While discussing reliability of web services in RTF, we hit upon the issue
of how to define the "behavior"
of a web service. Service Defn. based on WSDL only allows the interface
description, and is silent
about what the service will do (semantics). For example, a service
description that takes two parameters and does an "add"
may do a multiplication. The question is whether WSA should "enable" such
semantic definition of the behavior
of services. There may be multiple means to accomplish this, including
"design by contract"[2]. Many may argue that
such a definition may not be complete in most circumstances. In any case,
what do you think?

Here is the item tabled for debate from [1] 
D-AR019.2.2 The functional behavior of two or more web service implementing
the same version (see AR019.3.1) of a web service definition is identical.
	[<sd> the reverse may be true also - two implementations may have
the same behavior but different definitions, but is not worth mentioning


Sterling Commerce   
[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2002Jun/0186.html
[2]  http://www.eiffel.com/doc/manuals/technology/contract/

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 18:00:11 UTC