Re: A viewpoint on harvesting REST

On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 12:49:38PM -0400, Newcomer, Eric wrote:
> Mark,
> Yes, this is a critical point.  We cannot reinvent everything that exists and propose an entirely new solution.  Certainly we can think of multiple other possible solutions to the problem of connecting disparate applications over the Internet (including non Web approaches by the way), but we also need to recognize where we are in the adoption curve of technical proposals that have been made, accepted into the process, and which we can modify -- but not throw out entirely.

Ok, so let's consider all of that.  But let's not just assume that the
existing Web has no relevance to Web services use cases.

In fact, what I'd like to see us do, is say that if the Web can offer a
practical solution for a use case, that it should be the preferred

Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 13:33:55 UTC