Re: WebOnt PR Decision [IMPORTANT - Monday Deadline!]

Noboru Shimizu votes yes for INTAP.

Sandro Hawke wrote:

>Our decision on 13 November to request advancement to PR [1] was based
>in part on my suggestion that we could keep making changes to the test
>suite during PR and even after Rec.  This suggestion was probably
>misleading, and I apologize.  During PR, we should only make changes
>based on new information.  After Rec, any changes are handled as
>normative errata [2], requiring review by the members and a director's
>decision recognizing consensus.  What other groups have done (and this
>is what confused me) is make a *non-normative* test suite, not part of
>their recommendation, which they maintain outside the W3C Rec track
>review process.  We are free to do that, of course.
>In light of this, DanC, Guus, and I met (we were unable to reach
>JimH) and hereby ask for a decision via e-mail to approve the output
>of the 20 November meeting [3], recognizing that these will be the
>last changes to the normative test suite except for possible changes
>due to new information during PR and normative errata.
>Specifically, proposed are:
>  From: Jeremy Carroll <>
>  Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 10:54:51 +0000
>  Subject: proposal to change some datatype tests from APPROVED to EXTRACREDIT
>  From: Sean Bechhofer <>
>  Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 11:08:50 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
>  Subject: Proposal to approve tests
>As part of this, I also propose the Working Group delegate the
>question of whether the PROPOSED tests stay in the document to Jeremy
>and Jos.  (Dan and I lean towards them being removed.)
>PLEASE RESPOND TO THE LIST SAYING YES, NO (and state the nature of
>your objection), OR ABSTAIN by the end of Monday, 1 December.  If
>there is not consensus here, we can work on it at the 4 December
>telecon, but we'll have to postpone the transition meeting
>(tentatively scheduled for 8 December) and subsequent publication (9
>December), because the meeting needs a 7-day lead time.
>Monday, 1 December, is also the deadline for all editors to put their
>pencils down and be done with their drafts.  (Jeremy can assume the
>consensus position will hold; if not, there will be a new, later
>deadline.)  Please leave the working group membership list, the Status
>of this Document section, and the RDF PR references marked with "@@"
>and I'll paste in the final versions.  I'll be looking at the
>following URLs, and I'd like confirmation from the associated people.
>Overview - Deborah?  (Guus had an action item to coordinate this)
>Guide - Mike Smith
>Reference - Guus
>S&AS - Ian
>Test - Jeremy
>UC&R - Jeff
>For the curious, the current draft of the Request for PR, from Jim
>with some edits from me, is at [3].
>Thanks for everyone's help -- sorry again for the confusion about test
>maintenence from last meeting.
>     -- sandro

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2003 20:16:56 UTC