Re: UI for authoring SCXML documents

Le 30 juil. 2015 à 01:37, Michael Bodell <> a écrit :
> If there was an equivalent for SCXML with a state machine content, data model, visualization, and ability to inject events and execute all in one browser pane I think that would be quite valuable.  And if there were SCXML interpreters that were well positioned to run in the standard web browsers (I.e., JS based SCXML interpreters like SCION) as well as the visualization tools ready to generate visualization in the browser (like SCHVIZ), then I think that would be handy.

Hello Rob.

I'd like to add that what Michael describes is also partly provided by my implementation, JSSC ( It runs directly in browser JavaScript, and follows the SCXML semantics more closely than SCION.

I'm afraid I don't have much time to develop it at the moment, but JSSC comes with an interactive graphical viewer that runs the interpreter step-by-step, showing you the state chart's structure, active states, event queues, and even allowing you to edit transitions at runtime.


Received on Thursday, 30 July 2015 06:41:33 UTC