checklink: Recursion online?

I've been using the online link checker:

I made a special web page with links to my regular web pages
and checked it and found some problems (permissions and errors in the
special page mostly)

I hoped that the option:
"[] Check linked documents recursively, recursion depth:[        ]"
would allow me to easily check the links on my pages (using a
special version of the special page (that had a modest number of links).

It would be helpful if there were an explanation of what numbers in the
"recursion depth" form do. Does "1" mean check the links on the
pages that have links on the page whose URL was submitted?

The DOC file says:

>In the online version (and in general, when run as a CGI script), the
>number of documents that can be checked recursively is limited.

It would be nice to know what that limit number is.
Does it report when the limit is exceeded?

So far I have not gotten the recursion to work at all.

I tired "1" "2" and even "3".
I intentionally put a broken link in the first page with a link in the
page submitted and it was not reported.

Does online recursion work at all?


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
     Email:        fholson at      612-588-9532
My Link Pg:         My org:
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Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 16:08:02 UTC