Re: using tidy in Markup Validator

On Feb 7, 2007, at 17:17 , Philip Taylor (Webmaster) wrote:

> I like the idea (but not the idea of shewing "tidied"
> code unless specifically requested)

Absolutely. This will be an option, and I think I'd rather have it  
off by default, if only to save server resources.

> , but -- not being
> familiar with "libtidy" -- would be concerned if it
> didn't have an option (ideally set as default) to
> emulate the "style" of the page it was attempting
> to tidy.  For example, if the user consistently
> used upper-case tags and lower-case classnames,
> it would be nice if the tidier did likewise.  I suspect
> this may well be beyond its abilities, but I still
> think it would be a valuable feature ...

My - limited - experience with tidy is that it has and applies its  
own markup coding style, making it a tool NOT for people who care  
greatly about what their code looks like, but these would probably be  
hostile to the idea of letting a tool clean up their code  
automatically in the first place.


Received on Thursday, 8 February 2007 10:34:16 UTC