Re: -//W3C/DTD XHTML gives no error in Markup validator 0.80 ?

Hi Marc,

Revisiting this mail thread today, I realized I may have  
misunderstood that your extension didn't have a catalog. re-reading  
it, I now seem to understand that you do have a catalog (you mention  
xml.soc)? Anyway, looking at the proxy issue...

On Aug 12, 2007, at 20:43 , Marc Gueury wrote:
> The reason is because OpenSP lack of proxy support.

> -//W3C/DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN does not allow me to find the DTD.  
> And I can not get the 
> strict.dtd from internet since I can not explain to OpenSP to use  
> the proxy settings of Firefox.
> So here are my questions
> --------------------------
> 1) Is my analysis wrong, and is there really no way to make OpenSP  
> work behind a proxy server ?

have you tried setting the environment variable HTTP_PROXY and see if  
opensp groks it? mentions "Allow  
for HTTP proxy." in the ideas for improvement, but that document is  
outdated, so there's a chance.

However, doing a quick grep on the source for
OpenSP-1.5.2% grep -i HTTP_PROXY * */*
... yields nothing.

I guess you could ask the openjade mailing-list for a definitive  
answer, just in case.

> 2) Does one of you have a idea how to solve my problem ? Or is  
> there none.

A hack would probably, on the fly, go fetch the DTD via mozilla's  
API, add it in a .soc catalogue on the fly, and use that local  
version. Not sure if that's a good idea, but that's all I can think  
of right now.

> 3) Another independent question just for my curiosity: Because you  
> do accept that DTD are taken from internet, do you also accept  
> other DTDs that are not written by W3c ??  For example, somebody  
> doing his own version of HTML ? (ex HTML + some new tags)

yes. see the somewhat infamous:
and pass it through the validator.

The markup validator will go fetch DTDs if it doesn't have them in  
its catalogue, but the "pretty" print name of the document type  
detected is reserved for standardized languages.


Received on Thursday, 16 August 2007 07:33:29 UTC