Re: checklink

Hello Roger,

On Nov 24, 2004, at 10:36, Roger W. Haworth wrote:
> It is too optimistic to say 'usually nothing' as the todo 
> recommendation for
> status code 302.

> -> Lines: 175, 183
> Both of these scream 'broken link' even if you don't speak German!

But the link checker is speaking neither german nor english, and 
*fortunately* it does not try to guess anything based on the URI.

> I know that on the Zeus server if you put  'errordocument 404 ...' in 
> the
> ..htaccess  file to create a custom error page, then this will give you
> Code: 302 -> 200 OK

This is a particular (and rare) instance of a broken server "lying" in 
its HTTP status codes, and I don't really think it contradicts the 
statement that 302->200 is *usually* not a problem/error. The link 
checker could, indeed, add a note that there is "usually nothing to 
do... and you can double check by hand if you want to be really sure", 
but my understanding is that it is more or less implied with "usually".

What do others think?

Thanks for the report.

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 13:31:48 UTC