
It is too optimistic to say 'usually nothing' as the todo recommendation for
status code 302.

Consider the following:

> List of broken links and redirects:
> -> Line: 232
>   Code: 302 -> 200 OK
>  To do: Usually nothing.
> -> Lines: 175, 183
>  Code: 302 -> 200 OK
> To do: Usually nothing.

Both of these scream 'broken link' even if you don't speak German!

I know that on the Zeus server if you put  'errordocument 404 ...' in the
..htaccess  file to create a custom error page, then this will give you
Code: 302 -> 200 OK

I have changed my copy of checklink to read:

   302 => 'Manually check that the destination of the redirection is what
you expect.',

Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 13:12:50 UTC