Re[2]: Validator allows designers to do invalid nesting through <ins>

Original Date. Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 8:16:54 PM

Mr Dorward,

> Its a limitation of DTDs. There isn't anyway to express that X is
> allowed as a child of Y *unless* Y is a child of Z.

Perhaps a warning message/word of caution might be in order when the
Markup Validator encounters the <ins> tag...

> While it is *valid* HTML, it is non-conforming.

Just to make sure that I don't misunderstand you: What you are stating
is that using <ins> in the manner previously described is incorrect.

> Validation only checks for a subset of conformance to the
> specification (i.e. that which can be expressed using the DTD).

Thanks for clearing this up.


Gerald Himmelein
Redaktion c't

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Received on Tuesday, 10 August 2004 18:28:30 UTC