Re: [ANNOUNCE: gmuck] (Was: Re: Validator output and standards conformance)

On 10 Apr 2002, Ville Skyttä wrote:

First comm

> I've released gmuck, the Generated MarkUp ChecKer last week.  gmuck
> assists CGI-and-the-like authors in producing valid (X)HTML by examining
> the source code that generates it.  It is *not* a replacement for Real
> Validation Tools, but can be handy in situations where validation of the
> actual produced markup is hard.

I've just downloaded it, but have yet to test-drive it.

First comment: looks like an interesting project, and one that's been
(low) on my wishlist for *years*!  Thank you.

Second comment: As a pedant and a perfectionist, I am uneasy at the
hardwired lists of elements and attributes, with no reference I can see
(at a first glance - so ICBW) to a DTD.  That's not to detract from what
you have done, of course, and I suspect it would be rather hard to do
better at the particular problem you've set yourself.

Third comment: [not until I've tried it]

Nick Kew

Site Valet - the mark of Quality on the Web.

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 19:58:56 UTC