Re: when using validator is not sensible

Oops, thanks! Using both padding and margin resolves the problem in this case.

But... still another example. Netscape 6 and the latest Mozilla appear to be sensitve to
XHTML DTD line. If they see that line, they show thick black horizontal lines on my
pages on I have to use PHP to determine if the user agent is
Netscape 6, and to comment out the DTD in this case. Then the horizontal black lines
appear correctly, 1 pixel height.

The validator does not have "Netscape 6" in user agent description and sees the
page with DTD in place. That's why my pages validate. But users with Netscape 6
see the page without DTD which is not a good thing.

Best wishes from Moscow,

Yuri Generalov,

> body {margin: 0}
> This resulted in the following: the majority of browsers which
> handle CSS properly, display no margin. But for example Opera
> still displays a margin of, I think, 10 pixels

That's because you have to use padding: 0; in Opera (this is arguably more correct).

Received on Friday, 17 August 2001 06:35:22 UTC