Re: new validator Re: [Bug] XHTML Strict Minimal document

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, James Ralston wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, Liam Quinn wrote:
> > Sometime I'll take a look at the RPM docs and give that a go...  The
> > Offline Validator [1] shouldn't be hard to package up
> > with some RPM knowledge.  The online validator will be trickier
> > because it's dependent on so many Perl modules and other utilities;
> > perhaps it's worth trying Alien [2] on the Debian package.
> Beware: RPM has been in flux for a while now, and most of the
> available documentation is out of date.  Until Red Hat has a chance to
> bring the documentation up to date, your learning curve will probably
> be a steep one.

Thanks for the heads up.  So I shouldn't bother with the HOWTO at
<> (dated November 3, 1999)?

> That being said, I would be interested in seeing a validator packaged
> as an RPM, because that would be personally convenient for me.  ;) II
> also have a good amount of experience with creating RPMs, so if you
> can point me to a tarball that I can scoop up, I'd be willing to make
> an RPM out of it for you.  (I might be able to do it in a timely
> fashion, even...)

Thanks, I'd be very happy for any help.

The Offline Validator is at
<>.  There's not one
tarball that I can point you at since there are really three separate
components to the offline validator: sgml-lib and lq-nsgmls (each
available as a tarball) should probably be two separate RPMs on
which "validate" (the Perl script) depends.  These components are often
updated separately, so I think it makes sense to maintain the separation
with three different RPMs (but feel free to use your own judgment).

If you also have an interest in packaging the online (CGI) version, its
source is at <>, but
with dependence on and changes to Perl modules it will be more difficult
to package.  And of course it also requires a Web server, and the package
would need to know where to install CGI scripts.

> I'd be very skeptical that Alien could Do The Right Thing.  Does it
> even know how to handle version 3.0.5 (or greater) RPMs yet?

I'm not sure; I haven't used Alien. 


Liam Quinn

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2000 19:48:21 UTC