Re: SVG12: DOM-based animation


This is the reply to your Last Call comment SVG12: DOM-based animation.
The specification of Timer interface and the createTimer method of the 
SVGGlobal interface have been updated, as has the definition of the 
SVGTimer event. This has been done to address the concerns you raised 
and similar requests from within the WG. Please see the following
link for more information about the Timer operations.

We have updated the example and the relating explanatory text in the 
Animation chapter of the specification. Please see the attached svg 
file for the example the text file for a presentation of the 
explanatory text.

I believe that this addresses your comments. Please let us know shortly
it does not, and if not, why not.

Thanks and best regards,
Andy Sledd on behalf of the SVG WG

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2006 21:41:27 UTC