SVG 1.2 Comment: B.4 File Upload

Hi WG.

In B.4.1 it is said:

  On devices that have no file system, it may still open a dialog for
  data acquisition, eg an interface to a built-in camera.

What would happen for a device that has both a camera and a filesystem,
for example?  Should there be some parameter to
SVGGlobal.createFileDialog that specifies a source for the file?
Presumably either a standard string (such as "filesystem") or some
implementation defined string, since attempting to define a set of
acquisition sources would be a little out of scope.

The usual caveats about camera image acquisition and the like being a
job for SVG apply.

(Typo: B.4.1 says "SVGWGlobal::createFileDialog" rather than


Cameron McCormack
|  Web:
|  ICQ: 26955922

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2004 04:15:15 UTC