Re: WG Input on <switch> implementation

Hi Scooter,

Scooter wrote:
>     I've submitted a patch to Mozilla to implement SVG <switch> and an 
> issue has been raised that we would like some input on.  The current 
> patch will iterate over all direct children of the <switch> element to 
> determine which element evaluates to true.  This works correctly for all 
> of the test cases we had.  The question that has arisen is what happens 
> in the presence of anonymous children such as those bound by XBL?  
> Should <switch>
> iterate over all children or should it ignore the anonymous children and 
> only iterate over "real" (i.e. document) children?
>     We are awaiting input from the SVG working group before checking 
> this patch in, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

The SVG WG and the XBL TF have discussed the problem jointly and come to
the conclusion that <switch> would only operate on the real DOM. This
means it doesn't apply to shadow trees, and doesn't take animations into
account either.

The motivation behind this chiefly has to do with the fact that it adds 
extra complexity for no obvious benefit. Also, modifying SVG's behaviour 
using sXBL is outside the scope of SVG 1.2. It is possible that this 
will be made possible in future versions of SVG that will use future 
developments made on top of sXBL, for instance something like XBL v2.0.

Your feedback is much welcome, keep it coming!

Robin Berjon

Received on Monday, 30 August 2004 17:02:34 UTC