Re: DOM SVGNumber and DOMString

Hello Sigurd, www-svg,

You wrote

> in the SVG spec, the interface SVGNumber is
> specified, and SVGNumberList contain pointers to these
> object types. And it's even stated that if an object is already in another
> list, it should be removed from that list first before being inserted in a
> new list.

Yes. That behavior is correct. It can't be in two places at once, even
for a short while.

> I'm just making sure that this is correct (which precludes me from just
> using double in C++ COM , but that I have to wrap it inside an
> object)
> Is that correct?

No, its not correct. The list behavior is the important thing. Whether
you choose to wrap it as an object or not in a given implementation is
up to you.

> But what about SVGStringList, which uses DOMString as it's object
> (but DOMString is not defined as an interface, but as
> sequence<unsigned short>, which would map to BSTR in C++ COM.

Yes, that would be a good mapping. DOM Strings are sequences of 16bit
quantities, which (for basic multilingual plane characters) are
characters and (for plane one to 16 characters) are one of a surrogate

> And there's also no way to create a DOMString, how can you then
> implement SVGStringList correctly, maybe there should be a SVGString
> that wraps a DOMString ?

All that is required is that the List behaviour is correct. If the
implementation wraps objects or uses pointers, that is an
implementation choice.


Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2002 05:45:52 UTC