Re: [css-writing-modes] Vertical upright Mongolian intrinsic orientation

On 04/05/17 07:39, fantasai wrote:

> Mongolian needs to be rotated sideways, however, because that's how 
> current
> font technology works IIRC.

Correct. Mongolian fonts are designed with glyphs pre-rotated 90° 
counter-clockwise, and the layout model used is horizontal. For correct 
vertical display of the script, the lines of text need to be rotated 90° 
clockwise *and ordered from left to right*. The last bit is where a lot 
of software seems to fail. It's easy to typeset a block of LTR 
horizontal text and rotate it 90° CW, but then the lines are ordered 
right to left.



John Hudson
Tiro Typeworks Ltd
Salish Sea, BC

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Received on Thursday, 4 May 2017 17:24:21 UTC