RE: [CSS2.1] Interop Issue in regards to fixed/absolute positioned children inside of inline-relative containers

Le 2014-07-15 10:30, Greg Whitworth a écrit :
>> This is just a quick reply.
>> We have CSS2.1 tests testing abs. pos. inlines inside an rel. pos 
>> inline but I
>> believe we do not have tests testing abs. pos. blocks inside an rel. 
>> pos. inline.
>> ----------
>> These 2 tests were removed because the CSS2.1 spec changed (§ 10.1) 
>> and
>> became less stringent:
>> block-031.html
>> block-032.html
>> See
>> "
>> Summary
>>      Make it undefined what containing block is formed by a relpos 
>> inline that
>> splits across multiple lines "
>> ----------
>> If the rel. pos. inline is broken into several line boxes, then 
>> containing block
>> for its abs. pos. children is unknown, undefined in CSS
>> 2.1
>> Draft test for now:
>> inside-rel-pos-inline-001.html
>> Gérard
> Thanks for the reply! We found this bug while fixing another so I
> would prefer to specify it if possible.

Absolute Example:

Without frame:

Fixed Example:

Without frame:

You wrote:

> _Chrome_:
> (...)
> Absolute child that is block is strangely offset even when the 
> inline-relative has
> left:0px; this strange offset is added to inline-relative's left offset 
> when it is
> specified; vertically the element is moved by the offset as in IE.

In your example, just for precision here, the relatively positioned 
inline has 'left: auto'.

If the relatively positioned (parent) inline is broken into several line 
boxes, then the containing block for its absolutely positioned block 
child is undefined.

Where to position absolutely positioned boxes is often a matter of 
determining what/where (from and to) is their respective containing 

And a statically positioned block box inside a relatively positioned 
inline will break such relatively positioned inline into several line 

I could be wrong here: the strange horizontal offset (absolutely 
positioned block child in 'left: auto' relatively positioned inline) 
that you see in Chrome seems acceptable with the current CSS2.1 spec.

> As I noted I think IE's
> implementation makes the most sense in this case as we treat all of
> the elements and their offsets consistently which is good for authors.

I am all for consistency of rendering, layout, etc... and all for wide 
agreement, consensus from mainstream browser manufacturers in their 
rendering engines.

I do not have or use IE11 and some web-based services ( 
, ) do not always or do not necessarly use the latest 
most updated version of IE11.

> Would you be the one to work with in getting something like spec'd?

Huh... no :)

What I mostly do is:

- help others create CSS tests for test suites

- review CSS tests in test suites

- create CSS tests in test suites which may not exist in current test 

... but I have to be aware of issues in CSS 2.1

I believe Bert Bos could be the leader/writer in charge of writing CSS 

Re: [CSS21] Tests to be written for errata changes


and we would need tests to reflect the changes, the errata.

> I
> can write up what we currently do (I summarized it briefly) if there
> is agreement that IE's implementation is the preferred one.
> Greg

One thing I believe could help here is to split these 2 tests into 6 
reduced, minimized tests ( no frame, no dummy.js , no result-light.css ) 
which would each individually identify their expected results. Another 
idea is to split these 6 tests into 12 tests where 6 tests use only 1 
block box child and the other 6 tests use 1 inline box child (the <i> 
element in your 2 tests).


Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2014 18:53:25 UTC