Re: [css3-text] indices and animatable

Tab Atkins wrote:

> That's how the index works.  Again, auto-generated.  It just takes
> the |-separated content of the title='' attribute, or else the text
> content of the definition, and adds them to the index.
I'm aware it's auto-generated via the 'title' attribute.  My point was
the resulting index needs cleaning up.  For example, the "tab size"
entry really isn't a definition in this case, it justs says "the tab
size is given by the ‘tab-size’ property."

> > For property values, I would suggest using indents rather than
> > entries like "text-justify:auto". Switch from
> > title="text-justify:auto" to title="text-justify!!auto" and the
> > preprocessor will indent this for you.
> Once I move Text over to bikeshed, those titles will go away anyway.
> I don't see the value in using the !! syntax here, since the
> properties are already documented in the property index.

It's useful to have an index that's listed alphabetically (see the
index for Fonts) since the property table is listed by property name
and not by value.  And the !! behavior is needed to be able to
distinguish between multiple items that take the same name. For
example, the 'font-weight' property and 'font-weight' descriptor.

It's also puzzling why the index ends up with a '.' at the end of all
section numbers.


John Daggett

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 23:38:44 UTC