RE: A CSS equivalent of HTML's DOCTYPE trigger

[Jon Rimmer:]
> Well the thing with vendors is, they have multiple representatives in the
> WG, and they can be on the teleconfs, raise issues on the tracker [1],
> host/attend the FTFs, go to TPAC, and can employ people to edit specs for
> a living. They have a lot more ability to agitate about the issues and
> ideas they're focused on. So yes, the basic process, hazy as it is, is the
> same for all, but in practice it's more of an Animal Farm situation, all
> participants are equal, but some are more equal than others :-P
> I'm not naive, I know vendors are the ones paying $70,000 for W3C
> membership and untold $m making browsers and employing developers and spec
> writers. Obviously they're going to have a greater influence because of
> their greater investment, but it'd be nice for us minnows to have a way to
> make sure out contributions don't get forgotten about.
> [1]
I haven't checked for sure but I'm quite confident Elika, Brad, Tab or
Anton did not pay $70k to be Invited Experts and do all the things you've 
enumerated :) We'd very happy to have more designers as Invited Experts but 
just showing up and saying you're a designer is not enough. Sustained 
participation and valuable contributions is all it takes to get a seat
at the table with all the perks and duties of everyone else. (And fwiw, as
someone who gained a seat by mere virtue of working for a w3c member I
have quite a bit of respect for those WG members who earned theirs through 
plain old hard work, usually well above and beyond what they need to do as 
CSS users and web professionals)
This being said, all suggestions to improve the life of the wider community
 who won't/can't go that far are of course welcome. In the meantime, you're 
definitely in the right place to provide feedback and influence the group's 

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2012 04:47:34 UTC