Re: [css3-cascade] style attribute should override scoped style sheets

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 2:15 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> So currently says:
>   # Normal declarations from style attributes are considered to be
>   # scoped to the element with the attribute, whereas important
>   # declarations from style attributes are considered to be scoped
>   # to the root element. [CSSSTYLEATTR]
>   #
>   # This odd handling of !important style attribute declarations is to
>   # match the behavior defined in CSS Levels 1 and 2, where style
>   # attributes simply have higher specificity than any other author
>   # rules. [CSS21]
> This odd handling of !important style attribute declarations seems
> *inconsistent* with CSS Levels 1 and 2.  I think it would be
> consistent if all declarations from style attributes were scoped to
> the element with the attribute.

It's just re-reverses the reversal that scoping does.  Note that
scoped !important rules resolve in reverse order, with ancestors
beating descendents, to match with the way that origins mostly run in
reverse order when !important.  Since !important style rules *don't*
reverse relative to author !important rules, they have to be


Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 04:28:16 UTC