Re: [css3-cascade] style attribute should override scoped style sheets

So currently says:

  # Normal declarations from style attributes are considered to be
  # scoped to the element with the attribute, whereas important
  # declarations from style attributes are considered to be scoped
  # to the root element. [CSSSTYLEATTR]
  # This odd handling of !important style attribute declarations is to
  # match the behavior defined in CSS Levels 1 and 2, where style
  # attributes simply have higher specificity than any other author
  # rules. [CSS21]

This odd handling of !important style attribute declarations seems
*inconsistent* with CSS Levels 1 and 2.  I think it would be
consistent if all declarations from style attributes were scoped to
the element with the attribute.


๐„ž   L. David Baron                  ๐„‚
๐„ข   Mozilla                    ๐„‚

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 02:37:48 UTC