RE: proposed new module: css3 floats and positioning

Also sprach Alex Mogilevsky:

 > Large subset of use cases for page floats is covered by "position:page; wrap-type:around" in this proposal. 

It seems that these are equivalent:

  position: page;
  wrap-type: around;
  top: 0;
  float: top;


  position: page;
  wrap-type: around;
  bottom: 0;
  float: bottom;

Is that right?

Using the top/right/bottom/left makes sense and adds expressive power
compared to "float: top" and "float: bottom".

However, for paged media one quickly gets into the inside/outside
issues, that you want figures to float to the next page if there isn't
room on the current page, etc. These are, seemingly, not addressed in
the current draft.

 > There may be timing reasons for what fits in CSS3 vs. CSS4, but
 > otherwise I think there should be one spec for floats. What do you
 > think?

The are are two main considerations: specs and implementations:

  implementations: browsers are unlikely to spend significant
  resources making book/magazine-type printouts. From this
  perspecitive it makes sense to have two different specifications.

  specs: to make sure the functionalty -- both the simple and the more
  advanced -- is consistently described. From this perspective it
  makes sens to have one specification.

As a start, I'd like to challenge you to describe these use cases in
your spec:

  - float a figure to the outside/inside of a page

  - float a figure to the top/bottom of the next page (while the normal flow
    continues unhindered)

  - float a figure to a named page

  - specify that a figure should snap to an edge if it come within a
    certain range. For example, if a float appears with only two lines
    of text below it, the float should snap to the bottom of the page
    while the two lines of text should appear over it.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 23:54:02 UTC