Re: if conditions again

I agree, one break is necessary every once in a while; staying within one
syntax can bog down an entire language. And (if this were passed) no
developers would want to make use of it until it's widely used, as well. One
other note: web servers won't need to be configured to deliver two separate
versions, instead ECMAScript can be used to add directly to the style tags.

~6 out of 5 statisticians say that the number of statistics that either make
no sense or use ridiculous timescales at all has dropped over 164% in the
last 5.62474396842 years.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Sebastian Hennebrueder <
> wrote:

> Am 17.07.10 21:34, schrieb François REMY:
>  Fine. Just fine. And how a browser not supporting @if will react
>> to your code ? It will certainly not run (only) the code in the first
>> if section, making your @if statement totally unusable.
>>  Hi,
> it is correct that there is a transition needed. For many years web servers
> will need to deliver two versions of CSS depending on the requesting
> browser. It is a one time break of compatibility which buys a lower need to
> break compatibility for the future.
>  The main problem for such functionnalities is that it won’t work
>> at all in older browsers. The only solution that would degrade
>> nicely in old browsers is to extend Media Queries, but it have been
>> rejected many times since it was first requested.
> In my opinion - Transforming media queries into if conditions - is a try to
> impose somehow a new feature and stay backward compatible. It will never
> look nice
> --
> Best Regards / Viele Grüße
> Sebastian Hennebrueder
> -----
> Software Developer and Trainer for Hibernate / Java Persistence

Received on Monday, 19 July 2010 16:30:27 UTC