Re: breaking overflow

On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
> Well then, we still need "white-space-collapse: discard" [1], if you want to use it with that "specific and bizarre" HTML. What else you got?

Ah, I'd completely forgotten about that property.  Thanks for pointing
it out!  It'll be helpful when it gets supported.

> Floating has its own other problems too, when used to create what is really more like a run of inline blocks than what "float" was actually created for. For instance, it doesn't allow you to center the LI elements, as you can easily do with inline blocks:


By the way, the "specific and bizarre HTML" I was referring to was this:


This embeds the whitespace you use to prettyprint your code inside the
tags, so there's no whitespace at all in the content.  I've only had
to do this once, though, and I felt pretty bad about it.


Received on Sunday, 3 January 2010 03:02:30 UTC