Re: [css3-background] stacking order of border image

Also sprach fantasai:

 > >

 > >  1) it seems counter-intuitive that 'border-image' should override the
 > >     more purpose-built background properties
 > The border-image property was designed to handle decorative borders
 > as well as something like aqua buttons. In order for the middle part
 > to tile and stretch the same way as the sides of the border, they have
 > to be specified together.

That'a decent use case.

 > > So, how about placing the background from the 'border-image' be at the
 > > bottom of the stack instead? Or, perhaps even simpler, just clip the
 > > middle part of the borders image (the one rectangle which is not used
 > > as a border)?
 > If it's really an issue, we can add an 'empty' keyword to trigger
 > omitting the center part of the image. Or change the behavior and
 > have 'fill' require filling the middle.

A new keyword could fix it. But it's expensive to change the syntax at
this point. How about just changing the stacking order so that the
border-image goes to the bottom? This would allow my code to work as

     div { 
        background: black;
        border-image: url(picture.jpg) 125 125 125 125 stretch stretch;

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 20:34:48 UTC