Fwd: Re: Redesign Styles Hypocritical

As Gerard only sent this to me, passing it back to the lists.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Redesign Styles Hypocritical
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 15:06:57 -0500
From: Gérard Talbot <info@gtalbot.org>
To: Patrick H. Lauke <redux@splintered.co.uk>

>> "
>> When font size is specified in any absolute units of measurement, such as
>> points or pixels, the Text Size menu commands in Internet Explorer 7 and
>> earlier do not resize the text.
>> "
>> coming from C12: Using percent for font sizes
>> http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20081211/C12.html
>> That is still [and also] true for Internet Explorer 8. It's not just IE7
>> or IE6. So that particular issue with IE will be around for 5-10 years at
>> least. [Addendum: on top of everything, there is no minimum font-size
>> setting which can be conveniently and quickly set in Internet Explorer 8,
>> in Internet Explorer 7, etc.. ]

> Again not taking sides,

Why not, Patrick? Wouldn't you feel irritated/upset/annoyed if you were to
receive only 83.3% of the salary/income that you know you should get, that
you know you deserve? or just 83.3% of the emails or email content that
you know you are entitled to receive?

I want to repeat that this font-size:13px is going against each and all of
WCAG 1 & 2 articles, guidelines, checkpoints, examples, tips, etc.. on
accessible font-size. It goes against the recommendation of an unanimity
of web accessibility and web legibility groups.

> but worth adding that the page zoom
> functionality in IE 7 and 8 scales everything, even text set in absolute
> units, which in my mind satisfies 1.4.4 "text can be resized without
> assistive technology". (the fact that it's confusing to have the text
> size and zoom functionality work differently in this respect is of
> course a problem)

> Patrick H. Lauke

Text Size menu commands in Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 7 and
earlier do not resize the text specified in any absolute units of
measurement, such as points or pixels: that's undeniable.

> the page zoom
> functionality in IE 7 and 8 scales everything, even text set in absolute
> units,

Well, that's debattable, definitely debattable for IE7. Even Microsoft IE
Team admitted that its zoom feature in IE7 was not optimal, was generated
a lot of "disappointments", not so good, etc.. IE7 was not scaling that
well webpages. IE 8 was a lot better... apparently

[Jordan Biserkov and Cecil Ward spoke my mind in that IE blog post.]

In IE7, it was reported that it wasn't working right with images in
tables, that scrollbars were zooming with the page, floated block elements
were offset, misplaced, other problems with relative transparent images,
was not predictable (many cases of [abs., rel., ]positioning, float, not
persistent, etc., IE7 was the first implementation of zoom in IE.

regards, Gérard

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 22:08:54 UTC